marți, 16 decembrie 2008

Moldavia's History Museum

Moldavia's History Museum inherited the patrimony and traditions of two previous museums,the Antiquities Museum and the Municipal Museum.
In 1954, the Museum was assigned the space of the west wing at the ground floor of the Palace of Culture. Nowadays, the Museum is an organization of national rank, due to its varied heritage, allowing the presentation of all historical epochs throughout the whole Carpatho-Danubiano-Pontic and European space. It was designed as a pilot-museum and consequent to its exeperience, the other history museums in Moldavia were opened later on.
The permanent exhibition in its present aspect was inaugurated in 1997, the display stressing the communication capacity of the original objects and not of
the auxiliary materials and fabrics which would burden the museum discourse in the previous exhibit.

marți, 9 decembrie 2008

The Palace of Culture Iasi

The Palace of Culture in Iasi is the main attraction point of the Moldavian capital. We can’t even imagine a touristic folder without the image of the famous building that shelters four museums.The edifice was built between 1906 and 1925, and is the most outstanding work of Romanian.The entrance of the palace is through a great donjon tower, with crenels and alcoves dominated by an eagle with open wings. In the tower there is also a carillon clock that has an eight bells assembly that reproduces “Hora Unirii” (Hora of the Union) song every hour.

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Scrisoare către Moş Crăciun

Dragă Moş Crăciun

Ca în toţi anii, nici anul asta nu-ţi voi cere nimic special, îmi doresc să fiu sănătoasă, fericită si sa fiu alături de familie şi de prieteni cât mai mult timp de acum în colo. Mi-aş mai dori să-mi luminezi mintea ţi să mă ajuţi în luarea unor decizii grele. Pe langa asta, mi-aş dori ca Sărbătorile Sfinte să fie liniştite şi fericite. Tot felul de jucarii işi ceream anii trecuţi dar acum aceste lucruri nu mai au nici o importanţă pentru mine, lucruri importante sunt acelea care ţi le-am scris mai la început.Pe langă toate astea mi-aş dori să ai grija de familia mea şi de prietenii mei. Sper ca toate dorinţele să-mi fie împlinite deşi sunt cam multe.

marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

Intégration dans mon école

1. Pour quoi as tu choisi de venir dans cette école?
2. Tu as venu seul(e) ou tu as des frères?
3. Tes parantes ont été d'accord quand tu as décidé de venir dans cette école?
4. Les professeurs ont fait des discriminations entre toi et les autres élèves?
5. Est-ce-qui il y a des problèmes en ce concerne les camarades?
6. La langue roumaine est-elle un problème pour toi?
7. Quels sont tes projèts pour le futur?
8. Quand tu es venu dans cette école tu as cru que tu n'avais pas d'amis?
9. Comment tu te sens quand tu sais que ta famille est très loin et tu es ici parmi les étrangeres?
10.Il y a des diffèrances entre l'école roumaine et l'école de Moldavie?
11. Tu panses que tu es bien intergé dans l'Ecole Normale?

miercuri, 29 octombrie 2008

The friendship

The friendship is the most beautiful and the most important thing for a teenager.The friendship is based on harmony and trust.A teenager mast have a lot of friends.The tolerance,the help,the respect and the love are some of the valeus of frindship.

marți, 14 octombrie 2008


L'amitié est la chose la plus belle et la plus importante dans la vie d'un adolescent.L'amitié est basée sur la sincérité,l'harmonie et la confiance.Un adolescent doit avoir beacoup des amis.La tolerance,l'aide,la solidarité,le respect et l'amour sont quelque valeurs de l'amitié.